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If you are in a crisis situation please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital. Provided is a link to the crisis hotline (dial 988). 

Crisis Hotline

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Book of the Month: Purposefooled: Why Chasing Your Dreams, Finding Your Calling, and Reaching for Greatness Will Never Be Enough by Kelly Needham

Book of the Month

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Visit the official EMDR website to read various blogs and research about EMDR.

EMDR Literature

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Not into reading? Click the link to watch a short video about what EMDR is, how it's used in treatment, and what you can expect in session. 

EMDR Media

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Visit Truity for a wide variety of free personality tests. Take some time to get to know yourself better. You may be surprised with your results! 

Personality Tests

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PsychologyToday gives you access to therapists all over the country. If you are wanting to explore other options, check out PsychologyToday to find your perfect fit. 



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